About SunGrains


The mission of the SunGrains cooperative breeding program is to increase efficiency and productivity in the development of superior small grain varieties; to enhance graduate student education in applied and basic plant breeding and genetics research; and to ensure long-term viability of programs by increasing opportunities through shared royalties and extramural funding.


The SunGrains (Southeastern UNiversity GRAINS) breeding collaborative comprises public breeding programs in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texas. SunGrains had its origins in the early 2000s following discussions led by Steve Harrison on how public small grains breeding programs could more effectively serve our clientele by pooling resources and expertise, while drawing upon the powers of the emerging digital age and rapid advances in DNA technology.


SunGrains built the largest collaborative breeding program in the US public sector, integrating traditional and cutting-edge approaches to variety development.  As of fall 2023, the collaborative has released 56 wheat, 32 oat, five triticale, and two rye cultivars. SunGrains breeders have broad expertise, with active variety development and research programs in soft red winter wheat, winter oats, triticale, and rye.  We believe this model of complete integration across state boundaries provides the most efficient use of taxpayer support and should be considered in all public sector crop breeding endeavors.